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Crag Status

Milton Area: Turtle Crag

To view our Crag Difficulty Ratings Document to determine an appropriate place to recreate, Click Here

Access Status

  • Open with Guidelines

Land Manager
  • Private landowner

Type of Climbing

  • Reservations to climb at Turtle Crag are MANDATORY. Reservations can be made HERE.

    The base of The Turtle is on private property and the landowner resides approximately 100m downhill from the cliff. Our agreement with the landowner allows for 12 climbers per day; consider Nemo or Rattlesnake if you do not have a Turtle permit. Our continued access to this crag is dependent on climbers being on their best behaviour when visiting this area.

    Please refrain from yelling, profanity or leaving human waste in the forest below the cliff. Also, leave the hammocks and boom boxes at home. No dogs or any other pets are permitted into the Turtle Area. The Turtle is also not suitable for large groups (that is, more than four people). To prevent erosion, climbers must stay on the main path. This is particularly important in the terraced corner area. Helmets are strongly recommended. Please bring a stick-clip and use it for every route to help prevent unnecessary injuries. While top-roping is acceptable (set up on lead), please refrain from monopolizing routes that other climbers would like to lead. Further route development is not allowed in this area. Finally, these rules are not negotiable.

  • Halton Region fees at parking lot. $7/adult on weekends.


Last Updated
  • 17/05/2024

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Milton Area
Cow Crag
Crag X
Elora Gorge (Rock)
Elora Gorge (Ice & Mixed)
Fraggle Rock
Milton Heights
Mt. Nemo
Nemo South
Punk Rock
Rattlesnake Point, Buffalo Crag, Bottle Glass Crag
Sunset Rock

Crag Status Legend
Open: Area allows climbing. Enjoy responsibly.
Open With Guidelines: Area allows climbing, with restrictions. Learn, practice and share the guidelines. Buy permit if applicable.
Tolerated: Climbing access not formally permitted, but informally accepted. Tread lightly.
Closed: Climbing not permitted in this area at this time.
Unknown: If you know about access to this area, please share with us.