Uncategorized Beaver Valley Climbing Festival 2016: Clinics The 2016 Beaver Valley Climbing Festival is coming soon. Here is our list of clinics,…patrick.lamJuly 6, 2016
Uncategorized Cape Croker: Official Re-Opening June 17th marked the official re-opening of Cape Croker to climbing and bouldering after a…patrick.lamJune 28, 2016
Uncategorized Access Sends for 2015-2016 As presented at our 2016 AGM: OAC Access Sends, 2015-2016patrick.lamJune 27, 2016
Uncategorized Sign up for the 2016 Beaver Valley Climbing Festival! The 4th Annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival is coming soon! Join hundreds of other climbers…patrick.lamJune 27, 2016