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OAC Earth Day 2011: Invasion Elimination

By Events

The OAC is very pleased to announce the return of our annual Earth Day event. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to do your part for climbing access in Ontario. Join your fellow climbers on Sunday, May 1st at Rattlesnake Point for Earth Day activities, a delicious BBQ, big prizes, and of course a great day out on the cliff.

When Consevation Halton Ecologists asked if climbers were good at pulling, a great new idea was born. For this years’ Earth Day activity, we will be helping to eradicate the invasive species “Garlic Mustard” that is taking over Ontario forests. Get ready to pull!

Sunday, May 1
10am-Arrival and briefing
Noon-BBQ lunch and prizes
1:30pm- Climb!

Where: Rattlesnake Point, 7200 Appleby Line, Milton, directions

What: Please bring work gloves and long pants, re-useable dishes and cutlery, a change of clothes for climbing, and a smile.

We look forward to seeing you there for this great opportunity to join together as a community for a good cause and do our part to help out the planet. Please help to spread the word to your fellow climbers, friends and family.

2010 OAC Survey

By Uncategorized

Yes, we know it’s 2011 already but we would love to hear about your climbing experiences from last year. CLICK HERE to take the 2010 OAC Survey

By completing the survey you are helping climbing access in the province. The information is used in aggregate to assist the OAC in representing climbers when asking Land Managers to consider how to balance preservation and recreation. Survey data collected on this survey will be kept strictly confidential and the entire survey should take you about five minutes to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Climb safe and tread lightly.

Earth Day at the Glen – April 9th 2011 from 10am to 3pm

By Events

Help support bouldering at the Niagara Glen by attending the second annual “Earth Day at the Glen” event on Saturday April 9th from 10 am to 3pm. This event is hosted by the “Friends of the Glen”. Event highlights include: guided hikes focusing on wild flowers and tree planting in honour of Earth Day. The OAC will participate again this year and we will have a table set up to recruit new members and deliver information to the public. Click here for more details.

David Graham and the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival in Ottawa/Gatineau

By Events

For the very first time David Graham and the best mountain films from the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival will come to OTTAWA/GATINEAU, Saturday, April 9th at 7:00pm.
This year’s program will consist of four award winning films featuring mountain culture, skiing, mountain bike riding, climbing and outdoor adventure from around the world!  In addition a special keynote speaker – World Renown climber David Graham – will be addressing the crowd which will include a multi-media presentation.

Don’t miss out on this fun and amazing evening full of adventure, inspiration… and free prizes!

See you there!

Altitude Gym
35 Boulevard Saint-Raymond 
Gatineau, Québec
819 205 0959

For more info visit:
or e-mail:

Tickets available at:
– Altitude Gym (35 Boulevard Saint-Raymond Gatineau)
– Mountain Equipment Coop (366 Richmond Road)

Price:  12$ in advance 15$ at the door

Presented by Altitude Gym and Adventure Forever (

Swamp Access update

By Access

The Ontario Access Coalition was contacted by officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in early February 2011 regarding climbing development that has been occurring within the Kolapore Uplands Management Area known as the “Swamp”.  OAC volunteers and MNR Officials met on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at the MNR offices in Owen Sound to discuss.  After an open and honest dialogue, the MNR asked the OAC to share the following messaging with the climbing community.
“The Ministry of Natural Resources is aware of the activities at “the Swamp” and we have concerns regarding compliance issues and impacts to the local ecology. We are currently assessing the site to determine if the access route, the climbing routes and the use in general is compatible with the specifics of the site. MNR appreciates the efforts of OAC and the mandate you convey. We look forward to working with you.”

The OAC has provided MNR representatives with information regarding proven successful climbing management options that are available and currently in use at other areas in the province.  Assessment of the site is needed as the MNR is required to protect identified species at risk and their habitats in Ontario under the 2007 Species At Risk Act.  Climbers wishing to learn more about this Act and the mandate of the MNR should visit

Banff Mountain Film Festival hits Toronto, March 25-27

By News

Banff Mountain Film FestivalThe time has come! The November 2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival has taken a selection of the best films on tour around the world. And two weeks from now (on March 25th, 26th and 27th), the best of the fest are showing in Toronto at the Bloor Cinema! Check out the film descriptions (they look amazing), dates/times and information regarding ticket sales at the BMFF website! See you there!