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"Clean & Climb" Metcalfe Rock

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Join the OAC and Free Spirit tours for a “Clean & Climb” at Metcalfe Rock on Sunday, May 29 from 10:00am until 1:30pm

Free Spirit tours originally started this event as a garbage clean up around Metcalfe Rock after the spring melt  in the year 2000. Since then they have added to it by to spreading wood chips along the trails thanks to “Blue Mountain Four Season Landscaping”. If you have a wheelbarrow or a rake please bring it along.
In exchange for people coming out and donating their time and energy we have some great prizes to give away that have been donated by local stores. Additionally, the OAC will be chipping in on the prize front with two sets of draws and more for the lucky winners.

We hope you can join the OAC and Free Spirit tours for this great chance to help keep Metcalfe rock clean and to show the local community and land managers that climbers care.

Earth Day 2011 at Rattlesnake Point

By Events

On Sunday May 1st, the OAC held its annual Earth Day event at Rattlesnake Point. After a one year hiatus it was good to be back. About 30 volunteers from the climbing community showed up in cold and rainy weather to help eliminate the invasive garlic mustard plant. Climbers were educated about garlic mustard by a Halton Conservation ecologist before heading into the field to start the work. When all was said and done, climbers collected about 30 garbage bags full of the pesky plant. This significant haul was a great start, but is only a dent in the population; it goes to show just how invasive this plant can be. Garlic mustard will spread on the forest floor and prevent all other species from growing, including young trees!

garlic mustard

A few veggies for the burgers

After the work was done, climbers and Conservation Authority staff got together to enjoy a tasty BBQ lunch, a raffle for great prizes donated by our sponsors, and some camaraderie. Lucky winners left with a full belly, a 70m 9.8 rope, Black Diamond quick draws, crag packs and more. A special thanks to those in the climbing community who came out in the cold and the rain to make this event a success. If you know someone who was there, give him/her a pat on the back!

After the event, a crew headed down to Climber’s Rock to take advantage of the discounted day passes for Earth Day volunteers and had a great session of climbing and bouldering. Climber’s Rock generously donated a portion of the proceeds from those day passes and has since donated an additional $100 to the OAC. Thanks Climber’s Rock!

Joking around at Climber's Rock after Earth Day 2011

Many climbers have asked us for more events and more ways to help. The OAC is listening and we are proud to announce our third event this spring, in conjunction with Free Spirit Tours. We hope you can make it on May 29th to help show some love to Metcalfe Rock in the form of a clean up and trail work… more info coming shortly. Plan on being there!

10% at Toronto MEC

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MEC is hosting a ACC and OAC members’ appreciation night

The Alpine Club of Canada – Toronto chapter and The Ontario Access Coalition Club Night
7:30pm – 9pm Tuesday May 10th at Mountain Equipment Co-op
400 King Street West – Toronto

10% off everything except bikes and boats, which are 5% off
0% off already discounted packaged deals
*You need to be a member of MEC to shop at the store, $5 for a lifetime membership*

If you need to load up on gear for the season, this is your chance!

2011 Old Baldy permits

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Another climbing season is finally here! Spring is the ideal time get the permit for Old Baldy so you can get the most from this great cliff. You can get your 2011 annual permits for climbing at Old Baldy by downloading the form from here

Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) who manages Old Baldy, continues to work with climbers and listen to our needs. GSCA is currently working with the OAC, MEC and local volunteers to facilitate replacement of aging hardware at the cliff. You can read more about the project here and here.
One of the first cliffs to dry in wet weather, Old Baldy features pocketed limestone sport and trad routes in a beautiful setting looking out over the Beaver Valley. Get your permit today.

Earth Day 2011: Climber's Rock steps up

By Events

Climber’s Rock in Burlington has stepped up and is making a great offer in support of OAC Earth Day: Invasion Elimination, taking place on Sunday May 1st at Rattlesnake Point.

Here’s the deal – for any person who takes part in the OAC Earth Day event, Climber’s Rock is happy to offer you a special day pass rate of $11.50 + tax. From this discounted rate, Climber’s Rock will donate $2.00 to the OAC in support of access efforts in Ontario. Thanks Climber’s Rock!

Please note that the OAC Earth Day event is rain or shine, and so is the offer at Climber’s Rock. Please show your stamp from Earth Day at the time of day pass purchase. Climber’s Rock is open until 9pm on May 1st.

Earth Day 2011: Climber’s Rock steps up

By Events

Climber’s Rock in Burlington has stepped up and is making a great offer in support of OAC Earth Day: Invasion Elimination, taking place on Sunday May 1st at Rattlesnake Point.

Here’s the deal – for any person who takes part in the OAC Earth Day event, Climber’s Rock is happy to offer you a special day pass rate of $11.50 + tax. From this discounted rate, Climber’s Rock will donate $2.00 to the OAC in support of access efforts in Ontario. Thanks Climber’s Rock!

Please note that the OAC Earth Day event is rain or shine, and so is the offer at Climber’s Rock. Please show your stamp from Earth Day at the time of day pass purchase. Climber’s Rock is open until 9pm on May 1st.