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Metcalfe “Clean & Climb” On May 27

By Events


Join the OAC and Free Spirit tours for a “Clean & Climb” at Metcalfe Rock on Sunday, May 27 from 10:00am until 1:30pm

Free Spirit tours originally started this event as a garbage clean up around Metcalfe Rock after the spring melt in the year 2000. Since then they have added to it by to spreading wood chips along the trails thanks to “Blue Mountain Four Season Landscaping”. If you have a wheelbarrow or a rake please bring it along and meet us in the Metcalfe parking lot at 10am.
In exchange for people coming out and donating their time and energy we have some great prizes to give away that have been donated by local stores. Additionally, the OAC will be chipping in on the prize front with some great prizes from MEC that you wont want to miss!

We hope you can join the OAC and Free Spirit tours for this great chance to help keep Metcalfe rock clean and to show the local community and land managers that climbers care. Stick around after the clean for the great climbing that Metcalfe has to offer.”

2012 Garlic Pull

By Events

Join the OAC and friends at Rattlesnake Point on Sunday, May 6, 2012 for the second annual “Garlic Pull, BBQ and Climbing Session.” This event is a great opportunity brought to you by the OAC and Conservation Halton to help preserve the environment in the places we climb.

Garlic mustard is an invasive species that slowly destroys the existing ecosystem. The plant is spreading on Conservation Halton lands and will eventually decimate large parts of the forests. Join your fellow climbers for the garlic mustard pull and enjoy free access to Rattlesnake Point for the day, a delicious BBQ, big prize draws and, of course, a great day of climbing. We look forward to seeing you at 9am! All you need to bring is a pair of gardening gloves, a big appetite and your climbing gear. 🙂

Please help spread word of the event and bring along friends and family. This event is rain or shine. See you there!

Come Climb at Lake Kushog

By Access, News

The rock and ice climbing around Lake Kushog offers wonderful opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, but amazingly it isn’t well known. The Firehouse Restaurant has reached out to the OAC to reach out and build a long-term relationship with the climbing community. Together, we have identified areas of concern and erected signage clearly communicating best practices for that area. Even a Climbers’ Special menu item has been announced to encourage climbers to refuel in the restaurant after climbing.

2012 Ontario Crags Calendar update

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Thank you for those of you who helped make the Ontario Crags calendar fund-raising drive a success!  This project raised over $1,700 towards supporting sustainable climbing access initatives in the province.

It has recently been brought to our attention that dates for the month of July are incorrect on the OAC 2012 Crags Calendar.  The printing company has kindly offered to correct the misunderstanding free of charge and a limited edition of corrected calendars are currently available for exchange at the Toronto MEC. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope this results in many accidental extended climbing vacations being booked!

2011 Top Ten Access Sends

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Hey there Ontario rock buckaroo.  Wonder what good stuff the OAC did on behalf of the climbing community in 2011? Here’s the Top Ten Ontario Access accomplishments of 2011.

1. Helping Land Managers understand
OAC volunteers presented climbing management best practices to the Niagara Escarpment Parks and Opens Spaces Council (NEPOSS Council). The presentation reached NEPOSS Council members who consist of all major land management agencies for the Niagara Escarpment. The Niagara Escarpment hosts many of the most popular cliffs and bouldering areas in the province.
2. Legal support for climbers and land managers
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG), Canada’s largest law firm, signs on to provide pro bono legal council to the OAC. BLG will provide valuable expertise to the OAC in helping land managers to understand, minimize and mitigate liability associated with climbing access.

3. Help from the Access Fund

OAC wins sponsorship from the Access Fund to attend the National Access Stewardship summit conference in Colorado. MEC, OAC, and private contributions enable an OAC representative to attend the conference, network with peers, attend seminars, and learn from other access groups across the continent.

4. Formal Access to Bouldering Established at Niagara Glen
Ontario’s largest and most popular bouldering area, the Niagara Glen, was nearly closed in 2009. In just two years, the OAC worked to turn this situation into one in which the NPC announce the formal management of bouldering, thus legitimizing bouldering as an permissible activity at Niagara Glen. With the introduction of a waiver and fee system, and some restrictions on bouldering access, the Niagara Glen is now formally open to bouldering and recognized as an environmentally sustainable activity. The OAC is continuing to work with the NPC to refine the plan for the benefit of all.
5. Earth Day Halton
2011 saw the re-instatement of  Earth Day activities with Conservation Halton. The OAC has committed to a multi-year plan to help work to try to eliminate the invasive species Garlic Mustard that threatens the forests of Conservation Halton. This year, think about what you are doing to help save mother earth and consider joining us to help preserve the environment on Conservation Halton’s lands.  Enjoy a BBQ with friends and have a chance to win some great prizes.
6 Niagara Escarpment Commission Conference
OAC volunteers presented the results of a qualitative research study on sustainable bouldering at Niagara Glen to the Niagara Escarpment Commission Conference. The presentation brings the value of bouldering, access issues and the importance of working with the OAC to the attention of various land managers in a new light.
7. Volunteers Recognized
OAC volunteer Harry Hoediono and longtime ACC member Kit Moore win the 29th annual Conservation Halton award of excellence. Amongst other items, Harry and Kit have worked on behalf of the OAC and Conservation Halton to establish and implement the installation of hundreds of fixed top anchors at Buffalo Crag and Rattlesnake Point. The anchors facilitate safety for climbers while helping to minimize environmental impact to the area.
8. Old Baldy Re-bolting
With only a handful of routes left to go, the Old Baldy re-bolting project reaches near completion with hundreds of aging pieces of fixed hardware having been replaced by volunteers with new hardware donated by MEC. Grey Sauble Conservation Authority has been very supportive in facilitating the project, so in 2012 please buy a permit and check out the great work that has been done at Old Baldy by whipping on a few of the new bolts.
9. New, Improved OAC website
2011 saw the launch of the new OAC website to provide easier access to information and improve the experience of visitors. The site allows for online membership enrolment and online volunteer signup. If you haven’t checked it out yet, there are loads of resources on the site for climbers and Land Managers, the latest confirmed access information for Ontario crags, and more. Also, don’t forget to like our Facebook fanpage to get all the news from the site and more right on Facebook.
10. You’re Invited
Recognizing the value of including climbing and bouldering in thier management planning activites, Bruce Peninsula National Park has invited the OAC to participate in formal park planning processes. A photo of boulderers is featured on the cover of the planning brochure delivered to every home on the Bruce Peninsula.


This is just a taste of all of the great work done by OAC volunteers this year.  If you would like to help out too or find out more about what the great steps towards improved access taken last year check out

2012 Ontario Crags Calendar

By News

Hey you! Do you forget what day it is? Do you often day-dream of climbing? Are you looking to figure out when long weekends are for planning the next road trip? Do you like great pictures of climbing in Ontario?

Voila! The 2012 Ontario Crags calendar from the OAC are on sale now at the Toronto MEC to meet your needs. Loaded with photos from some of the areas’ best photographers, the calendar features beautiful scenery and sports action at a variety of Ontario crags! Check out great shots from Grey County hot spots: Devil’s Glen, Old Baldy and the Swamp. Drool over bouldering at Niagara Glen and Halfway Log Dump, and be inspired by the incredible shots of Skeleton Lake and Lake Papineau. Get your psych on month after month in 2012! Here’s a sneak peak inside:

A huge thanks to the photographers who donated their images to the project and the OAC volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this happen! There’s a limited number available so be sure to head to Toronto MEC and pick up your calendar today for only $16.95 + tax. Funds raised from this project go directly to keeping access open at Ontario cliffs, boulders and ice.