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Climber's Survey

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Yes, we know it’s 2013 already but we would love to hear about your climbing experiences from last year. CLICK HERE to take the 2012 OAC Survey

By completing the survey you are helping climbing access in the province. The information you provide is used in aggregate to assist the OAC in representing climbers when asking Land Managers to consider how to balance preservation and recreation. Survey data collected on this survey will be kept strictly confidential and the entire survey should take you about five minutes to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Climb safe and tread lightly.

Climber’s Survey

By Uncategorized

Yes, we know it’s 2013 already but we would love to hear about your climbing experiences from last year. CLICK HERE to take the 2012 OAC Survey

By completing the survey you are helping climbing access in the province. The information you provide is used in aggregate to assist the OAC in representing climbers when asking Land Managers to consider how to balance preservation and recreation. Survey data collected on this survey will be kept strictly confidential and the entire survey should take you about five minutes to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Climb safe and tread lightly.

Velit Porttito

By Fashion, UncategorizedNo Comments

Quisque porta ipsum quis neque elementum lacinia. Pellentesque ut risus rutrum, tristique lacus nec, mollis risus. Vestibulum mollis erat arcu, eu vehicula purus consequat nec. Maecenas nunc odio, pulvinar id vulputate nec, porttitor at quam. Suspendisse vulputate diam eu leo bibendum feugiat.

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