On June 13 the OAC presented to The Bruce County Council, Agriculture Tourism and Planning Committee with the goal of educating and gaining support from the local community for climbing in the county. Bruce County contains all crags from Owen Sound to Tobermory including Lion’s Head, Cape Croker, Halfway Log Dump and others.
The OAC presentation shared with the council information on existing climbing tourism, environmental sustainability and the economic impact climbing has on local communities in the Bruce (thanks to those of you who complete our annual climber survey!). The OAC requested the councils support in upcoming Ontario Parks management planning activities. The Council voted in favour of working with the OAC to help ensure continued access to selected climbing areas in Bruce County.
Climbing at Lion’s Head, unknown to many climbers, is not formally permitted due the park’s current “Nature Reserve” classification, but is tolerated as a “non-conforming use” in the interim management plan. Lion’s Head is at significant risk of closure to climbing when the new Ontario Park’s Management plan is finalized.
Climbers are encouraged to adhere strictly to all posted user regulations, climb safely, follow ‘leave no trace’ practices and encourage all other visitors to do the same.
The Owen Sounds Sun Times picked up the story as well…read here….http://www.
The OAC invites all members to partake in our 2013 annual general meeting. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and offer your input on the direction of the OAC. The meeting will be held at Joe Rockhead’s Climbing Gym, in Toronto, on Monday, June 24th, at 7 :30PM.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM, you must be a member of the Ontario Access Coalition. To allow for the processing of new members, please ensure applications are submitted prior to June 15th, 2013. Please visit our membership page at http://www.ontarioallianceofclimbers.ca/join/ for further details.
Three members need to be elected to the Board of Directors for a two-year term. New ideas, leadership and energy are important to maintaining the health of organizations. Although members can be nominated at the AGM, if nominations are submitted by June 4th, 2013, profiles of the nominees will be distributed to membership in advance and will facilitate the voting process. Interested members are encouraged to contact the OAC in advance.
Further details will be provided to members 14 days prior to the AGM. If you do not receive notification by email, please send us a note (info@ontarioaccesscoalition.com).
On March 23, the OAC was invited to join an open discussion held by the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association in Clarksburg. The topic of conversation related to the Kolapore Uplands and related trail usage. Present at the event were representatives from various user groups including cross country skiing, mountain biking, hiking and nature enthusiasts. This meeting presented the OAC with an opportunity to reach out to other user groups in order to dispel misinformation about and share the reality of climbing related environmental impact.
The Kolapore Uplands is made up of numerous parcels of land, owned or managed by various governmental agencies and private individuals. This event was also an opportunity for the OAC to network with all relevant stakeholders to better understand the potential role of and/or impact on the Ontario Climbing Community.
The Kolapore Uplands trails are used, at least in part, as the primary route of access to the climbing area known as The Swamp. The OAC recognizes that Kolapore trails are used by multiple user groups and respects the other users’ rights as equal to its own. Please be courteous to all other user groups while visiting the area. A “best practices” while traveling the trails of the Kolapore Uplands is being designed by the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association. Information will be posted as it becomes available.
This year, climbers will once again showcase our collective strength in helping cleanup one of Ontario’s most popular climbing and conservation areas – Rattlesnake Point. We’re working with Conservation Halton to identify target areas in need of attention. They are delighted to have reliable stewards coming back year after year to help take care of the area they love.
Registration opens at 9:00 AM on Saturday, May 4th at the Upper Pavilion. A free BBQ picnic will be offered to those who participate, followed by raffling of prizes and climbing activities in the afternoon.
The OAC was represented at a recent event at McMaster University featuring Red Bull Athlete Will Gadd. The event, sponsored by Red Bull, saw world-renowned climber and adventure athlete Will Gadd present an overview of his lifetime of ‘rad’ accomplishments and adrenaline-infused feats. Will shared insight into his various philosophies regarding risk, goal-setting and living an active, motivated life. OAC Outreach Ambassador Patrick Lam presented to a crowd of approximately 80 keen listeners prior to Will’s slideshow and talk, and outlined the OAC’s history, successes and the many opportunities for the climbing public to get involved. OAC Public Outreach Coordinator Josh Smith answered questions following the talk and signed up new members, including Will himself! With his $50 donation and a grin, Will affirmed the importance of sustainable, cooperative access work; he is proud to be a member of the OAC and we are proud to add him to our member list. Special thanks to Will Gadd, Marla Henderson (Red Bull Canada), and Max Robertson (McMaster Climbing Club) for allowing the OAC to present at this energizing event!