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Don’t Forget Your 2014 Ontario Crags Calendar!

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8.DSC4715 This is a quick reminder to visit your local Mountain Equipment Coop (Barrie, Burlington, Toronto) and buy an OAC “Ontario Crags” 2014 calendar while supplies last. It’s the gift that keeps on giving in monthly doses of inspiration! And your purchase is a great way to support the OAC! Calendars will be available in stores until December 31st, 2013.

Discussion Series 2.0 at GRR Saturday November 23rd

By Events, News

The Ontario Access Coalition is proud to host the second installment of our ‘Discussion Series’ on Saturday, November 23 at Grand River Rocks in Kitchener! This all-afternoon event will facilitate open discussions between climbers and land managers, with the goal of providing accurate, up-to-date information regarding climbing outdoors in Ontario.

As well, come witness a historic moment for Ontario climbing access. The OAC and MEC will be signing a contribution agreement confirming MEC’s intention to donate $100,000 towards the acquisition of land permitting access to Old Baldy, one of Ontario’s premier climbing areas!

Ask questions, socialize and climb, and learn more about climbing access from the OAC and land managers themselves. Also, learn more about local tri-city University climbing and bouldering clubs, competitions and world class Ontario climbing areas like the Niagara Glen. Discounted day passes, slideshows and fun gear giveaways from the OAC, MEC and Adventure Guide make this a great way to spend a Saturday in late November!

Join the discussion with the OAC this Saturday, November 23 from 2-6pm in Kitchener at Grand River Rocks and spread the word on by sharing the event with your climbing friends:


By Access, News

The OAC is pleased to announce that on Nov 8, 2013, Canadian Retail Cooperative – MEC, stepped forward as a major contributor towards the purchase of lands adjacent to Old Baldy Conservation area. MEC has agreed to fund $100,000.00 towards the purchase of a crucial parcel to help solidify sustainable and safe climbing access to the cliff at Old Baldy while promoting tourism in the Beaver Valley region for generations.

Additional funds are still required to make the purchase, and the OAC will continue partnership with the Toronto section of the Alpine Club of Canada, the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, and the climbing community towards gaining the additional funds. This presents a significant opportunity for the climbing community to step forward and become relevant in large scale conservation efforts in the region.

The cliff at Old Baldy provides sport and traditional climbing opportunities at all grades in a picturesque setting above the Beaver Valley. The OAC has previously partnered with MEC, and the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority to successfully replace the existing climbing hardware at the cliff to enhance the safety of the cliff at Old Baldy.

Please donate via the PayPal option at or email Randy Kielbasiewicz for inquiries.

Contact: Randy Kielbasiewicz

Downloadable Old Baldy Funding Press release

2014 OAC Calendars In Stores Now!

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Back by popular demand, the OAC’s ‘Ontario Crags’ calendar for 2014 is now available at Mountain Equipment Coop in Toronto, Barrie, and Burlington! Featuring images of Ontario’s amazing bouldering, rock and ice climbing crags, the calendar makes a great gift for any climber on your list. A big thanks to all of you who submitted photos. And thanks for your support of the OAC through your purchase! Here’s a sneak preview:




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OAC participation at the 2013 Niagara Escarpment Leading Edge Conference

By Access, News

The OAC continues to increase its visibility among stakeholders by participating at this year’s Niagara Escarpment Leading Edge Conference, held October 24 at Country Heritage Park in Milton, Ontario. The Niagara Escarpment Commission hosted the conference in partnership with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act (NEPDA). The NEPDA aims, in part, to provide for outdoor recreation. Stakeholders at the event included the Niagara Escarpment Commission, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Parks, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Parks Canada. Presentations and panel discussions ranged from how to revitalize quarry sites to the intangible values of Escarpment lands.

At the conference, the OAC displayed its informational bouldering poster, typically housed at the Niagara Glen Nature Center. The poster generated a lot of interest in the state of climbing in Ontario and the OAC’s role in protecting climbing environments. Overall, the conversations were progressive and positive. The OAC hopes that continued representation at this conference will bolster collaborative efforts between climbers and land managers in Ontario to make climbing a more sustainable and accepted form of outdoor recreation along the Niagara Escarpment.

Beaver Valley Climbing Festival Raises $4500 for sustainable climbing access

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Beaver Valley Climbing Festival - logo


The first annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival (BVCF) took place on August 24th at Metcalfe Rock with great support from organizations in the climbing community and local business from the Beaver Valley area.  The event was embraced by a great turnout of local climbers and local community who enjoyed outdoor climbing, slacklining and yoga clinics. A friendly outdoor competition format, aerial silk performance, bike demos, and professional massages all were very popular.  Once the sun set, the evening featured generous prize draws, live music and catered food and camping at The Rob Roy Dogsled Farm.


The whole event was the brain child of Jennie Elmslie (Free Spirit Tours) and Leslie Timms (On The Rocks Climbing) who pulled it together in only about
two months. The $4500 in funds raised from the event benefited the Ontario Access Coalition whose mission is to preserve and promote sustainable access to Ontario climbing resources. The OAC has already lined the funds up for a special project in partnership with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources to help ensure the sustainability of climbing in Kolapore Uplands where the festival occurred.


Major sponsorship for the event that made it all possible was provided by Joe Rockheads and Boulderz Climbing Centre, with a long list of other organizations providing needed support. Immediately upon the events conclusion talk turned to not only the great success, but excitement about next year’s festival!  For more information about the Beaver Valley Climbing Festival please visit

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