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2015 Beaver Valley Climbing Festival

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IMG_6756The 2015 Beaver Valley Climbing Festival was a huge success, we attracted close to 200 people and raised funds to support future OAC projects.

The day was packed with games, clinics, vendors, competitions, entertainment, yoga, massage, music, dancing, a huge bonfire and tasty food. The event was a rare opportunity for the Ontario climbing community to come together and celebrate the beauty of the Beaver Valley.

7D3_1674-X2This year, climbing and clinics took place at all 4 crags in the Beaver Valley with Metcalfe as a hub for alternative activities such as yoga by City Yogis, massages by Living in Balance, hula hooping by Hoopla Hula Hoops and much more. Thanks to The Alpine Club of Canada – Toronto Section, On the Rocks, Free Spirit Tours and Overhang Adventures Inc. for running your clinics!

A pre-dinner aerial silk performance by Aerial Silks Collingwood wowed the crowds at the Rob Roy Dogsled Farm. The Flying Chestnut served up vegetarian curries and meaty pulled pork chili to satisfy festival goers. Activities continued into the evening; featuring an insanely stocked raffle, a strongest grip competition and the Canadian National Ice Climbing Team’s figure-4 challenge. The Whiskey River Band and The Good Acoustics kept crowds dancing with musical performances throughout the night.

MANY thanks to all of our amazing volunteers, supporters and sponsors who allowed us to make the 3rd annual festival a reality:


On the Rocks
Climbers Corner
Mountain Equipment Co-op
Alpine Club of Canada – Toronto Section
True North Climbing
The Landscape Company
Creative Paradox PhotographyIMG_1065-X2
Living in Balance

Prize sponsors:

Maxim Dynamic Ropes
Outdoor Research
Omega PacificIMG_0830-X2
G6 Rock Climbing
Outland Adventure Gear
La Sportiva
Mountain Hardwear


*images by Peter Hoang and Creative Paradox Photography

2014 Climbers' Survey Results

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The OAC survey was back in 2014 and bigger than ever. We had a record 213 responses; we believe that this is due in part to our increased Facebook presence. Many thanks to Laura Duncan for survey design beta and for processing the results.

PDF survey summary results

A majority (60%) of respondents indicated that they were not OAC members, indicating substantial potential membership growth for the OAC. Consider joining the OAC if you are not already a member!

Up-to-date survey information continues to be a key source of facts about the vitality and economic importance of the Ontario climbing community. We always use selected survey results when negotiating with stakeholders.

Some highlights:

  • survey respondents estimated that they had been out for over 5,000 climber-days in 2014, a quarter of which were in Milton. 75% of the climber-days were on day trips. Spending was over $150,000.
  • almost half of the respondents reported climbing at least three times a week (that’s a lot of climbing!)
  • the largest cluster of respondents live in the Greater Toronto Area, with a smaller clump in the National Capital Region and communities in Barrie, Kitchener-Waterloo, and London
  • a majority (65%) of respondents were in the 18-35 age group
  • the most popular occupational grouping (20%) was education, law and social, community and government services.
  • Devil’s Glen was the favourite Ontario crag, preferred by 16% of respondents, followed by Lion’s Head and Bon Echo.
  • the vast majority of climbers (80%) practiced sport climbing, while 53% practiced trad climbing, and 33% ice climbing. Bouldering was practiced at 50%.

Thanks again for your participation in the OAC Climbers’ Survey. We appreciate your help in carrying out our mission.

2014 Climbers’ Survey Results

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The OAC survey was back in 2014 and bigger than ever. We had a record 213 responses; we believe that this is due in part to our increased Facebook presence. Many thanks to Laura Duncan for survey design beta and for processing the results.

PDF survey summary results

A majority (60%) of respondents indicated that they were not OAC members, indicating substantial potential membership growth for the OAC. Consider joining the OAC if you are not already a member!

Up-to-date survey information continues to be a key source of facts about the vitality and economic importance of the Ontario climbing community. We always use selected survey results when negotiating with stakeholders.

Some highlights:

  • survey respondents estimated that they had been out for over 5,000 climber-days in 2014, a quarter of which were in Milton. 75% of the climber-days were on day trips. Spending was over $150,000.
  • almost half of the respondents reported climbing at least three times a week (that’s a lot of climbing!)
  • the largest cluster of respondents live in the Greater Toronto Area, with a smaller clump in the National Capital Region and communities in Barrie, Kitchener-Waterloo, and London
  • a majority (65%) of respondents were in the 18-35 age group
  • the most popular occupational grouping (20%) was education, law and social, community and government services.
  • Devil’s Glen was the favourite Ontario crag, preferred by 16% of respondents, followed by Lion’s Head and Bon Echo.
  • the vast majority of climbers (80%) practiced sport climbing, while 53% practiced trad climbing, and 33% ice climbing. Bouldering was practiced at 50%.

Thanks again for your participation in the OAC Climbers’ Survey. We appreciate your help in carrying out our mission.

Access Sends 2014/2015 & 2014 Survey & AGM materials

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See the complete AGM materials here: OAC-AGM-2015


Old Baldy – We’re thrilled that the Old Baldy transaction has closed and that the access to Old Baldy will be managed by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, with rock climbing being a permitted activity. This was the culmination of a long fundraising campaign and a complicated land transfer process. The purchase is a significant milestone for the OAC, creating new bonds and strengthening existing ones. Donations came from MEC, the Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section, the Alpine Club of Canada National, the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, the Nature League, and numerous individual donors, many organized by the online forum.

The Swamp – The joint OAC/Ministry of Natural Resources Environment Study of The Swamp was completed in 2014. The completion of this study gets us closer to a creating a formal access arrangement for The Swamp. The results of the study will also help with negotiations at other areas.

Niagara Glen – We remain on good terms with the Niagara Parks Commission and constantly work to improve our connections. We are in communication with them about the future of the Niagara Glen permit system. The NPC encourages boulderers to purchase their 2015 permits if they have not already done so.


BVCF – The 2nd Annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival took place in August 2014 and raised over $6000 for the OAC. Organized by Jennie Elmslie (Free Spirit Tours) and Leslie Timms (On The Rocks Climbing) the festival showed significant growth over the inaugural event. Major sponsors of the event included MEC, True North Climbing Gym, Climbers’ Corner Climbing Gym, The Alpine Club of Canada, and the Landscape Company, among others. The OAC is helping to organize the 2015 BVCF.

OAC calendar – The OAC continues to produce a high quality calendar showcasing the beautiful and diverse climbing areas in the province that we are lucky to call our local spots. All proceeds from the calendars goes to the OAC to support access. Last year saw an exciting new element in the calendar creation process – a photo contest! Our social media outlets were absolutely inundated with submissions: over 50 amazing images vied for a new rope. It was hard for us to narrow it down to the final three who would battle it out in Facebook likes. The public voting phase drew over 550 combined likes, with dozens of shares and comments!

OAC survey – A record 213 climbers responded to our annual survey. The results of the survey provide data which inform our ongoing discussions with land managers.
OAC Facebook group – We reached 1000 likes as a result of revitalizing the OAC Facebook group and regularly posting updates relevant to the climbing community.


Gym rep program – OAC volunteer coordinator Laura Banks created an OAC Gym Rep program whereby each gym would have at least one volunteer who would work an OAC table on a regular basis. We are always looking for keen volunteers to assist with this program. Email if interested.
Gym to Crag – the OAC partnered with the Access Fund to co-brand our logo onto their Gym To Crag poster. The poster promotes responsible crag practices in a fun way. The poster should be found in most Ontario climbing gyms and MEC locations.
Crag Status Doc – We released an up-to-date version of our Crag Status Document which provides a quick reference to the access status of all the commonly asked-about crags in the province. This version also provides more detailed information: links to route information, Google map links, and notes on typical conditions, permits and fees.
Video – OAC volunteer Elli Levene created a video and wrote an article about sustainable climbing and bouldering for The video features OAC volunteer Garrett Hutson and OAC co-chair Tony Berlier. The video and article can be found here:
Niagara Glen – The OAC contributed a display about bouldering at a Niagara Glen tree planting event on May 2nd, 2015. The reforestation event was the result of a strong partnership between the Niagara Parks Commission, Forests Ontario, and the Friends of the Niagara Glen.
Conferences – Garrett Hutson is representing the OAC at Biosphere Reserve Network events led by the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Patrick Lam attended a workshop “Building an Effective Board” run by the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Conservation Halton – We continued to cooperate with Conservation Halton to run the annual Crag Stewardship Day in early May 2015. OAC volunteers once again helped fight off the invasion of Garlic Mustard. This event improves climbers’ visibility at some of our most popular crags.

Access Sends 2014/2015 & 2014 Survey & AGM materials

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See the complete AGM materials here: OAC-AGM-2015


Old Baldy – We’re thrilled that the Old Baldy transaction has closed and that the access to Old Baldy will be managed by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, with rock climbing being a permitted activity. This was the culmination of a long fundraising campaign and a complicated land transfer process. The purchase is a significant milestone for the OAC, creating new bonds and strengthening existing ones. Donations came from MEC, the Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section, the Alpine Club of Canada National, the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, the Nature League, and numerous individual donors, many organized by the online forum.

The Swamp – The joint OAC/Ministry of Natural Resources Environment Study of The Swamp was completed in 2014. The completion of this study gets us closer to a creating a formal access arrangement for The Swamp. The results of the study will also help with negotiations at other areas.

Niagara Glen – We remain on good terms with the Niagara Parks Commission and constantly work to improve our connections. We are in communication with them about the future of the Niagara Glen permit system. The NPC encourages boulderers to purchase their 2015 permits if they have not already done so.


BVCF – The 2nd Annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival took place in August 2014 and raised over $6000 for the OAC. Organized by Jennie Elmslie (Free Spirit Tours) and Leslie Timms (On The Rocks Climbing) the festival showed significant growth over the inaugural event. Major sponsors of the event included MEC, True North Climbing Gym, Climbers’ Corner Climbing Gym, The Alpine Club of Canada, and the Landscape Company, among others. The OAC is helping to organize the 2015 BVCF.

OAC calendar – The OAC continues to produce a high quality calendar showcasing the beautiful and diverse climbing areas in the province that we are lucky to call our local spots. All proceeds from the calendars goes to the OAC to support access. Last year saw an exciting new element in the calendar creation process – a photo contest! Our social media outlets were absolutely inundated with submissions: over 50 amazing images vied for a new rope. It was hard for us to narrow it down to the final three who would battle it out in Facebook likes. The public voting phase drew over 550 combined likes, with dozens of shares and comments!

OAC survey – A record 213 climbers responded to our annual survey. The results of the survey provide data which inform our ongoing discussions with land managers.
OAC Facebook group – We reached 1000 likes as a result of revitalizing the OAC Facebook group and regularly posting updates relevant to the climbing community.


Gym rep program – OAC volunteer coordinator Laura Banks created an OAC Gym Rep program whereby each gym would have at least one volunteer who would work an OAC table on a regular basis. We are always looking for keen volunteers to assist with this program. Email if interested.
Gym to Crag – the OAC partnered with the Access Fund to co-brand our logo onto their Gym To Crag poster. The poster promotes responsible crag practices in a fun way. The poster should be found in most Ontario climbing gyms and MEC locations.
Crag Status Doc – We released an up-to-date version of our Crag Status Document which provides a quick reference to the access status of all the commonly asked-about crags in the province. This version also provides more detailed information: links to route information, Google map links, and notes on typical conditions, permits and fees.
Video – OAC volunteer Elli Levene created a video and wrote an article about sustainable climbing and bouldering for The video features OAC volunteer Garrett Hutson and OAC co-chair Tony Berlier. The video and article can be found here:
Niagara Glen – The OAC contributed a display about bouldering at a Niagara Glen tree planting event on May 2nd, 2015. The reforestation event was the result of a strong partnership between the Niagara Parks Commission, Forests Ontario, and the Friends of the Niagara Glen.
Conferences – Garrett Hutson is representing the OAC at Biosphere Reserve Network events led by the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Patrick Lam attended a workshop “Building an Effective Board” run by the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Conservation Halton – We continued to cooperate with Conservation Halton to run the annual Crag Stewardship Day in early May 2015. OAC volunteers once again helped fight off the invasion of Garlic Mustard. This event improves climbers’ visibility at some of our most popular crags.

Access Sends 2014/2015 & 2014 Survey & AGM materials

By Uncategorized

See the complete AGM materials here: OAC-AGM-2015
Old Baldy – We’re thrilled that the Old Baldy transaction has closed and that the access to Old Baldy will be managed by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, with rock climbing being a permitted activity. This was the culmination of a long fundraising campaign and a complicated land transfer process. The purchase is a significant milestone for the OAC, creating new bonds and strengthening existing ones. Donations came from MEC, the Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section, the Alpine Club of Canada National, the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, the Nature League, and numerous individual donors, many organized by the online forum.
The Swamp – The joint OAC/Ministry of Natural Resources Environment Study of The Swamp was completed in 2014. The completion of this study gets us closer to a creating a formal access arrangement for The Swamp. The results of the study will also help with negotiations at other areas.
Niagara Glen – We remain on good terms with the Niagara Parks Commission and constantly work to improve our connections. We are in communication with them about the future of the Niagara Glen permit system. The NPC encourages boulderers to purchase their 2015 permits if they have not already done so.
BVCF – The 2nd Annual Beaver Valley Climbing Festival took place in August 2014 and raised over $6000 for the OAC. Organized by Jennie Elmslie (Free Spirit Tours) and Leslie Timms (On The Rocks Climbing) the festival showed significant growth over the inaugural event. Major sponsors of the event included MEC, True North Climbing Gym, Climbers’ Corner Climbing Gym, The Alpine Club of Canada, and the Landscape Company, among others. The OAC is helping to organize the 2015 BVCF.
OAC calendar – The OAC continues to produce a high quality calendar showcasing the beautiful and diverse climbing areas in the province that we are lucky to call our local spots. All proceeds from the calendars goes to the OAC to support access. Last year saw an exciting new element in the calendar creation process – a photo contest! Our social media outlets were absolutely inundated with submissions: over 50 amazing images vied for a new rope. It was hard for us to narrow it down to the final three who would battle it out in Facebook likes. The public voting phase drew over 550 combined likes, with dozens of shares and comments!
OAC survey – A record 213 climbers responded to our annual survey. The results of the survey provide data which inform our ongoing discussions with land managers.
OAC Facebook group – We reached 1000 likes as a result of revitalizing the OAC Facebook group and regularly posting updates relevant to the climbing community.
Gym rep program – OAC volunteer coordinator Laura Banks created an OAC Gym Rep program whereby each gym would have at least one volunteer who would work an OAC table on a regular basis. We are always looking for keen volunteers to assist with this program. Email if interested.
Gym to Crag – the OAC partnered with the Access Fund to co-brand our logo onto their Gym To Crag poster. The poster promotes responsible crag practices in a fun way. The poster should be found in most Ontario climbing gyms and MEC locations.
Crag Status Doc – We released an up-to-date version of our Crag Status Document which provides a quick reference to the access status of all the commonly asked-about crags in the province. This version also provides more detailed information: links to route information, Google map links, and notes on typical conditions, permits and fees.
Video – OAC volunteer Elli Levene created a video and wrote an article about sustainable climbing and bouldering for The video features OAC volunteer Garrett Hutson and OAC co-chair Tony Berlier. The video and article can be found here:
Niagara Glen – The OAC contributed a display about bouldering at a Niagara Glen tree planting event on May 2nd, 2015. The reforestation event was the result of a strong partnership between the Niagara Parks Commission, Forests Ontario, and the Friends of the Niagara Glen.
Conferences – Garrett Hutson is representing the OAC at Biosphere Reserve Network events led by the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Patrick Lam attended a workshop “Building an Effective Board” run by the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Conservation Halton – We continued to cooperate with Conservation Halton to run the annual Crag Stewardship Day in early May 2015. OAC volunteers once again helped fight off the invasion of Garlic Mustard. This event improves climbers’ visibility at some of our most popular crags.