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Beaver Valley Logo Contest

By April 27, 2018June 3rd, 2018No Comments

Calling all creatives! We’re looking to bring new energy to this year’s Beaver Valley Climbing Festival with an update to our festival logo. Do you have ideas for a new way to represent the BVCF and celebrate Ontario climbing?

The winner will receive admission for TWO to the festival and a $250 MEC gift card — so that means you and your belayer can get in for free! Plus you’ll get recognition for redesigning a logo which will soon be recognized by the entire Ontario climbing community.

Here’s what we need from you:

File Format:

  • PREFERRED: Vector eps file (such as an Adobe Illustrator eps) with all fonts converted to outlines. This file format is preferred because vector-based art can be resized without degrading shape or colour.
  • Also acceptable: Raster image file (such as an Adobe Photoshop file). The logo must be a minimum of 2″ wide or 2″ high (whichever is the larger proportion) at 300 dpi. The image file may be delivered in any of the following formats: psd, tiff, png, or jpeg.

Ideally, two separate files should be submitted:

  • Colour logo. 4-color (CMYK) logo is preferred if possible
  • Single colour version (black & white) with no tints or screens (i.e., 100% black, no gray)

Submissions will be accepted from now through July 8th 2018. Please send your entries to with ‘BVCF Logo Contest Submission’ in the subject line. We’re looking forward to seeing what you’ve got!

(Post updated on June 3 to include new MEC prize and new deadline.)